What Is Retrofit Lighting?

Whether you’ve consciously thought about it or not, you’ve likely noticed the difference between the look of LEDs and traditional lights before. LEDs (which stands for light-emitting diode) are being used in more places and for more applications each day. It’s generally easy to tell the difference between these and traditional lights because LEDs are whiter […]
Electrical Safety 101

Electricity gives us the ability to light, heat, and cool our homes. It allows us to store and cook our food, charge our phones, and so much more. As many of us know from times when the power has gone out, it requires major adjustments to our normal routines to live even a few hours […]
How to Save on Your Electric Bill

Being a homeowner comes with plenty of expenses along the way. If you’re looking to cut costs, exploring some techniques to reduce your electricity bill is a great place to start. Plus, saving money isn’t the only benefit of taking measures like these. Many will also help reduce your carbon footprint, making them better choices […]
What Is a Bucket Truck?

Even if you’ve never heard the term ‘bucket truck’ before, you’ve certainly seen these vehicles around. If you’re a business owner, you may need to enlist the services of a bucket truck at some point to troubleshoot or fix certain electrical issues related to your building or other commercial space. Let’s dig into what bucket […]