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Everything You Need to Know About Backup Generators

Residential backup generator

Backup generators can be lifesavers. Living without electricity isn’t just an inconvenience; it can be a safety hazard, especially when the weather is hot or too cold. No electricity means no lights, no HVAC system and no fridge. Installing a backup generator in your home or business could be a great way to protect yourself […]

Rapid Charging: Explore the Pros and Cons of Installing EV Home Chargers

electric car plugged into charger

All new electric vehicles come with Level 1 charging cords. These simple accessories plug into standard 120-V wall outlets, and they’re easy to use. Unfortunately, they can take up to 50 hours to restore full battery power. The good news is that you can upgrade your at-home charging capabilities by installing a Level 2 EV […]

Lighting Problems That Require an Electrician

lateral view of a young electrician in blue overall disassembling a electrical panel with fuses in a house

Problems with lighting are frustrating because of how difficult it is for people to enjoy activities at home with poor light. When you have lighting issues, it is important to know when to seek assistance from an electrician. Outside of the simplest remedies like changing bulbs, tinkering with lighting fixtures is far beyond the scope […]

Interesting Facts You Should Know About Electricians

Electrical terminal in junction box and service by technician. Electrical device install in control panel for support program and control function by PLC. routine visit check equipment by technician.

Electricians are often among the most highly paid and influential people on a work site. With endless opportunities to use their knowledge, there are many careers that an electrician may pursue. They create, maintain, and repair systems that deliver power to consumers in order to operate various devices and appliances that require electricity. Electricians Enjoy […]