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Incandescent lamp is changed to LED light by the hands of a man. Energy saving.

7 Tips for Reducing Your Electrical Usage

Electrical usage has become an increasingly significant problem for the average homeowner. Whether you’re trying to save money or just looking for more energy-efficient products, there are plenty of ways to reduce your electrical consumption. Here are seven tips for reducing your electrical usage.

1. Switch to LED Lightbulbs

LED lightbulbs are one of the most effective ways to reduce electrical consumption. They last longer than traditional bulbs and use less energy to produce light. As a bonus, they can help you save on your electric bill by lowering the amount of time it takes for the bulb to warm up before starting to glow.

2. Install a Smart Power Strip

If you have a lot of electronics in your home, you should consider installing a smart power strip. Smart power strips use the circuit breaker to turn off several devices at the same time. This can be done before leaving the house and during specific hours, such as bedtime and weekends. Smart power strips are easy to use. Plug them in an outlet, and they’ll start working right away.

3. Unplug Idle Electronics

While you may think that switching off your television or microwave will save electricity, devices like these can still draw power even when they’re off. According to ENERGY STAR, the total power used by idle consumer electronics in the United States equals the annual output of 12 power plants. Unplugging such equipment will go a long way to help you conserve energy at home.

4. Turn Off the Lights

Turning off the lights is another easy yet effective way to reduce your power usage. When you leave a room, turn off all the lights. Also, consider installing motion sensors throughout your home. Motion sensors can be configured to switch on lighting when someone enters a room. This can be automated with timers to run every day. For example, around 6 p.m., the lights turn on for around 10 minutes before turning off.

5. Use Your Dishwasher

Your dishwasher is most likely more efficient than you realize. A dishwasher uses roughly half the hot water that hand-washing dishes would. However, you should ensure that you only turn it on when you have a full load.

6. Use More Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances can also help reduce energy consumption. If you have the option, try buying newer appliances that use less electricity. For example, newer refrigerators use half as much electricity as older models.

7. Don’t Overfill the Kettle

A significant amount of energy is required to boil water quickly. So, the next time you prepare a hot beverage, heat just the amount of water you need. To take things a step further, boil a full kettle in the morning and pour the remaining into a thermos flask to keep warm for the rest of the day. This minimizes the need to use the kettle repeatedly throughout the day.

If you want to minimize your power use in Reno, NV, consider the measures above. Contact Burnett Electric for LED retrofits and other services.